Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Monday, November 30, 2009

Fine Art Photography - Capture a Good Image Fine Art Female Photography

This is a photograph of art is a quality of composition, negatives and printing. The composition is the best approach. Like other mediums, how the image is vitally important to how the print will be displayed. There are countless other variables of art photography, the choice brand of paper,...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Digital SLR Camera Tips - Digital SLR Shooting Checklist

Below are some tips before photographed using a DSLR camera:Check ISO SettingsThe ISO speed plays a vital role in digital photography, it can actually take pictures of moving subjects or take pictures in low light conditions by changing the sensitivity of the sensor cameras. However it has one aisle...

About Female Photography - What is Female Figure Photography?

This brings us to another type of photography, female figure photography. In Figure Female figure photography does not outlined, but the body or as a female. This type of photography is required in the modeling industry and also to the film industry. These are the two that the industry...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Photography

The advantages and disadvantages of digital photography is still a problem for some time. At the end of the day, a digital camera will not be one of the best images from photographers. The same values that we apply in our photography should remain regardless of the camera we...

Sensual Female Photography - Sensual Couple Portraits Photography are Really All About The Pose

A typical installation would be the male half of the Standing Committee of the couple behind the woman, kissing her neck, which is reversed. It would have closed the eyes (as he would) and mouth slightly open. This sort of "moment of passion" poses is relatively easy to achieve,...

Friday, November 27, 2009

new nepali sexy girl

Welcome to are more nepali sexy girl photo.example Rekha thapa is one nepali hot and sexy girl.i add today more photo og nepali girl.anyway if any want wallpaper plz download and use your computer are more nepali girls photo visit 1 2 3 4 5 6...

Potrait Photography Tips - Get the Best of Your Photos Potrait

Order a PersonIn the portrait, you're dealing with small displacements and changes of position and angle. Try to shoot slightly above the person to make the eyes more open. Lower the nearest shoulder to the camera, getting his head straight or at an angle binding. Lower the chin a...

Sensual Female Photography - Exotic Sensual Photography From Ordinary Photography Sensual Female Body

Ordinary photographs sensual female body - the kind you might find in the pages of popular magazines for men - usually uses female models who are conventionally beautiful (or at least pretty), and have a look ordinary enough. Exotic sensual photography, by contrast, "focus" (no pun intended) On models...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Travel Photography - 3 Tips for Successful Travel Photography

Digital SLR Cameras With Wide Angle and Telephoto Zoom Think "light." If you are dragging around a lot of gear, you'll be too broke to use your camera. Traveling Light does not give you the basics, such as healthy eating for extra memory cards, batteries and flash units at...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Baby Photography - Photographer Needed Equipment Using a Tripod to Take Baby Photography

For the majority of baby photography a tripod is essential. Using a tripod and cable release will be free to concentrate on maintaining a relationship with parents and child. This is especially true when photographing young babies with their parents, you can free yourself from throwing a ball to...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nepali model

Welcome today my Nepali blog.Everybody i add today photo of junu shrestha.she is now entering of the Nepalese model . she is must beautiful and fantastic.junu is the fantastic and cool girl.she looks like very beautiful.she have a good personality and attractive figure.i add more photo of junu.if u...

Photography Tips - 5 Tips for Great Digital Photography

Be Creative!Do not let the photo that you control. You control the photo. Use your imagination and your creativity and you'll get a lot of compliments when you share photo memories with your family and friends. Change locations. Add accessories. Organize your subjects and photograph them in different poses....

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