Monday, August 22, 2011

Duo Maia

Duo Maia is a continuation of the music group Ratu. With the new personnel of the May Chan, replace Mulan Kwok. not long ago after the singer left, Mulan Jameela, Maia estianti did audition several cities until she found a girl named Mey Chan. However, because Maia estianti is currently arguing with her husband, Ahmad Dhani, Maia is now no longer use the name Ratu. This is because it is formed by the Ratu name Maia and Dhani. So now using the name Maia. Maia was still put forward his own concept duo.Mey Chan is a citizen of Malang. she is adept at playing the guitar and drums, and can create a song. This is often referred to as an excess Maia of Maia.

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